Tuesday, June 26, 2007


waking up
feeling like an ant
strut to work,
amongst a long line
the cityscapes
the city scrapes..
with sunken cheeks
sleepless eyes,
tired next to sleep,
on a train
going far from home..
the destination is long.

ingest a stimulant
hence your eyelids torn
wide open
does not
the airconditioner make you quiver,
a false breeze makes you alter
the cool make goosebumps,
and your belly churns loudly;
time for lunch.
feel maybe
then you can scream.
what a day will it be
to see that grin fade away,
its never a good morning;
long it is
ever to say goodbye
to this..
the phone rings
again i hear it like its air.

everywhere its blank,
the habit here is ethereal,
a house for us to pave honey..
at least it pays well;
time and tide
staring through flourescent lights,
sitting here in this chair,
at least i'm not sweating,
though no one's arms
to fall into
at least.. at least..
i know i'll save it the burden,
next drink should be earlier friday..

looking up,
you look bitter,
all those clouds
are dustballs
blocking sundried oilskin.
the cityscapes
the city scrapes..
with sunken cheeks
sleepless eyes,
tired next to sleep,
5:00 pm rush
the road is like my bloodstream,
on a train
far from home..

the destination is very long.
and staring at that billboard
you were away..
and i cant be alone without you


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