Saturday, September 08, 2007


what a night, what a night..
each of these frames dropped
withered and humbled,
sleeping a nap,
the dream is here
and we are awake..
hey but dont forget the beer
i wouldnt want to be dowsed unearthly.

doesnt even begin to faint.
outside the car window,
surpassing television
the streets at night so hungry
dwelling to dried eyes
smoke-belched it gives me a shoulder
the beautiful rot
as you grow older..
i must've lost something
it was
close to what could be
what i was thinking

this day was long better
most wont be here anymore.
as with now
never minding the rain
the mud on my shoes
the dogpiss of a warm beer
it might be of something else
this heavy metal is
like down on her
listening to myself wanted.
clenching fists to feel the need
moving to a limit of harm.
like tasting used guitar strings,
split as my hands
lather the sweat i played
last night.
did you see i was somewhere
i travelled and walked a distance afar,
the police didnt mind
sure wish you were there.
a couple of cigarettes later,
it'll be a story or even a movie to tell,
ageless and bronzed like a rodin

yes the life forsaken and blessed
not of faces faked towards interesting
only nurturing
and only decaying

where was i?


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