Saturday, September 02, 2006


but then again i have a sense of reason
both also an excuse.
my mind was somewhere else too drunk,
all in place to be estranged and progressive,
all nurturing to drink more,
after reaping what i sowed
that didnt grow to be money for less of a man.

penance was none so sweeter for me,
and hence i wrote a tune listening to soilent green.
i then ask i was misplaced to proceed further,
lying down like no other,
be so vile, that density was not an option..
not even a conclusion.
where was my mind to succumb to such?,
lost and finding all over what was before
dwelling seemed to be wise
for cirscumstances be of less of a risk..
such it is an analogy to awake too early
from a hangover too redeeming,
as you once did begging to sleep.

what i didnt do, must i keep on persevering.
something grows like fungus and brings forth;
if i did lose in reversal
writing in this stream of forgetfulness,
it could've been something else..
that i didnt have but grasp i still will...
regrets never seemed to taste terribly.
hell, im not desperate at all..
i lack spaces that bind in between
just when i close my eyes.
dejavu pays off if you had forsight
and i had none of that,
and nothing else
but this..

no one can piss on it,
no one can ask
if i did set the meeting to adjourn.

and for tonight let it be..
just for tonight

so i can think of her face.
the color cyan.


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