Tuesday, January 11, 2005


december 05 finally finished fixin' the fuckin' gate..

could there ever be more bad news?
dont you get tired of it?
i once figured gloom before tragedy struck
it's like butter fixed adjacent putty melting from the sun

april 05 the pope died, tell me a soul who hasn't noticed
...and here comes the wasteland.
my friend tried to kill himself and i understand he's weak
(left alone be as it may as i am left)
my friend was deserted...pain from lost, no gain from the cost
but last night all we saw was tits and ass in royal legacy
once did i try subdue as if i was the messiah,
sacred from the bounds of my true aspirations
apparently there is always too much hate
and should be there too much love?
and must there be too much love?

im at war with peace for peace is only through war.
i hate this wasteland.


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